Jul 28, 2016

Lots of new domains

Many updates this month!

  1. The domain name Utahwatch.org was purchased to function as an easy shortcut and now redirects to utahwatch.secureutah.org.

  2. The UtahWatch domain tracking spreadsheet won't receive any further updates.  It was used to help get this project started but keeping itupdated to match the current list of websites in UtahWatch is duplicatating work and serves no purpose.  It will remain public as a historical record of the initial domains that were tracked.

  3. Two new groups of domains have been added.
    • Credit Unions:  added 47 Utah-based credit unions (sourced from UtahsCreditUnions.org) to Financial.

    • Utah.gov Subdomains:  added 131 subdomains of Utah.gov.

      NOTE:  This is not intended to be a comprehensive or officially-sanctioned list of all Utah.gov subdomains, there are active and inactive subdomains that not included.  Many subdomains that have DNS entries are not tracked for obvious reasons - they redirect to other parts of the website (security.utah.gov), they are behind a login (email.utah.gov), or they time out or never connect (mobile.utah.gov).

  4. New domains added to existing categories:

UtahWatch now tracks 317 Utah websites, only 8 of which are rated Good:

